
Over the short 16 years of life, I have consumed a great deal of media. Like I have mentioned in past posts, I used to spend hours and hours on the internet, surfing the web, spending time on social media apps, and caring greatly about the virtual image I portrayed to the outside world. Fast forward a few years, and I was somewhat aware of how my media consumption affected me. I discovered that excessive media consumption can be detrimental to my emotional and mental health, so I did my best to limit my time on the internet. I do not feel like my relationship with media was drastically changed as a result of this class, because I was already pretty aware of these effects. However, I definitely learned a lot about advertising and gained a greater insight into what companies are attempting to do. Though I attempt to escape the media’s powerful hand, I always find myself being affected by its shadow. I am constantly being bombarded with images of beautiful women. Whether I am walking ...