Demi's Documentary


Though I was never obsessed with "Camp Rock" as many of my other peers were (High School Musical was right up my alley), Demi Lovato's name was always in the spotlight. A childhood celebrity and mainstream media influencer, Lovato has proven to be a successful singer and actress... on the surface.

     Scrolling through my YouTube page, Demi's documentary caught my eye. Ignoring the countless hours of homework I needed to complete, I found myself clicking on the 78-minute video, delving into a world I thought I knew. I was wrong. As a successful actress, singer, model, and businesswomen, most would presume Demi's life is perfect, yet that could not be farther from the truth. Within the first minute, I discovered Demi's teenage years were saturated with alcohol, cocaine, Adderall, weed, and eating disorders. I learned more about Lovato's life than I ever thought was possible.

    Seeing the troubles she endured reminded me of a quote that framed a book I read in middle school: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The quote is as follows: "You never really understand a person until you consider things from [her] point of view... until you climb in [her] skin and walk around in it." This rings true in all aspects of life; you never truly know the challenges someone faces until you ask and listen. Yet no matter how hard you try, you can never truly understand what one is going through. However, despite the inability to relate or fully comprehend the difficult situation, we as humans should strive to listen and empathize, for that is what fuels human development.

     Upon completion of this film, I developed a new found respect for Demi Lovato. My eyes were opened to the hardships that celebrities (people who seem to have a perfect life) keep concealed from the general public. My heart hurts for the trials and tribulations she endured, yet my heart rejoices to see her strength prevail in times of trouble.

Here is the link to the video. It is an hour and 18 minutes well spent. :)


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