Is Kylie Jenner too childish to raise her own child?

     A successful businesswoman, a role model for a many, a shallow, rich girl obsessed with her physical appearance. Whichever phrase you use to describe the 20-year-old reality television personality, Kylie Jenner's name has been all over the news since the release of "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" in 2007. Kylie has been getting more attention than usual, because she was found at Coachella without her two month old baby Stormi, stirring up much controversy from the general public. Two successful news corporations, and The Guardian responded to and commented on Kylie's Coachella attendance, having two very different takes on the same event.

     "A 'cool mum' doesn't up and leave her newborn for a weekend of partying at Coachella -- yes that's you Kylie Jenner ... If you wanted to party don't get pregnant #WhatAConcept."
     "Kylie Jenner should be everyone's example of learning how to use protection fr. This girl is really gonna leave her baby for three days while she goes to Coachella."

     These are a few tweets that directly "mom-shamed" Kylie. According to, Kylie is an irresponsible young mother who puts her own wants and desires over the well-being of her child. Kylie is a new mother who decided to spend her weekend partying and drinking in Coachella, proving that she is an irresponsible mother, too caught up in her own childish ways to raise a child of her own. A quote the author used to describe the situation were as follows: "[Kylie and Travis] enjoyed a weekend getaway in Miami where they were pictured hanging on a boat drinking beer." The word "hanging" implies a nonchalant feeling, implying they were relaxing and having a good time without their child. The author could have used "spent time" instead of "hanging" to establish a more positive outlook on Kylie's actions

     On the other hand, Nell Frizzell, the author of The Guardian article, proposes her argument from a different angle. She says that multiple male figures who have abandoned their children to go to the club or surf, such as Jay-Z and David Beckham, did not receive any parenting criticism. With that being said, the hate Kylie is receiving is a sexist and unfair. She also points that Travis Scott, the father of Stormi, has not received any public scrutiny for his Coachella attendance. Frizzell empathizes with Kylie, saying that motherhood is a constant battle, especially in the public eye. It a challenge to stay afloat the "expectations of strangers on the internet," and implies that Kylie is doing the best thing for her. The world "strangers" could have easily been switched out for "people." The word "strangers" imply a sense of foreignness and harshness; random people do not have the right to judge one's parenting skills.

     Regardless of what she does, where she goes, or how she lives her life, Kylie will always get hate; it comes with the territory. I personally believe that both mothers and fathers should have equal responsibility in raising their child. I believe that a child should be their number one priority. However, I understand that mothers and fathers need a break every once in a while to reconnect with themselves and revisit who they were before they had kids. Yet, I do not think the rude comments and criticism from the public was justified whatsoever. In the end, Stormi is ultimately Kylie and Travis's daughter and they should be the ones to decide how to raise her.


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