Just Imagine It - MKTO

“Somewhere off in outer space
There's a world, no wars, no hate
Where all the broken hearts are safe
I don't know where it is
I just imagine it”

     These are the lyrics of MKTO’s song “Just Imagine It.” To give a synopsis, the musician describes an ideal world in which everyone utilizes their voice for good, attempting to change the world one action at a time. This song says rather than focusing on what we cannot do, we should focus on our ability to change the world. Though the world will never be perfect, we can do what we can to strive for improvement and strive for a better tomorrow.

     When you turn on the news, all you hear is horrific situations, depressing stories, and angering debates. There are very rare instances in which the news attempts to focus on the good things and the inspiring stories causing most people choose to focus on the bad rather than the good, the depressing rather than joyous, the heartbreaking rather than comforting and lessen to a negative view on the world. Granted, there are many horrible things that are going on in our world right now; wars, poverty, corruption, natural disasters. However, instead of wallowing in our sadness, we need to choose to see the good in all situations. Imagine if the news reported the little girl who raised money for cancer patients by selling handmade jewelry. Imagine if the front page of the newspaper was an article describing a woman with fertility challenges having her first baby. Imagine if our media was saturated with inspiring stories that gave a sense hope and happiness. This dream could become a reality if we all take small steps to project positivity and light into the world.

     Most songs that are coming out in this era usually fall into three major categories: hopeless heartache, drugs and alcohol, or sexual encounters. Though these songs may be catchy or relatable to some, I usually gravitate toward songs with meaningful lyrics. Songs are poems accompanied by music and I enjoy listening to ones that have meaning and a profound message they are attempting to convey. This song reminds me to see the world in a positive light and inspires me to do my part to change the world.


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