Music to my Ears

     I love music. I have over 1200 songs saved to my Spotify (@nicolefong13 if you want to check it out ;)), and I can always be found with my headphones in my ears. I used to find myself singing along to songs on the radio without realizing what the lyrics are truly saying; however, I have learned to pay close attention to the message the artists are attempting to convey. I put great effort into seeking new, meaningful music and find joy in finding undiscovered artists.

     Not only is it a good way to focus on homework and pass the time, music also helps me to express my inexpressible emotions. I often find myself at a lost for words, trying and failing to find words to explain the internal feelings I do not understand myself. I long for emotional connections with others, yet end up changing the words that come out of my mouth and mask how I truly feel inside. The words in my head become like alphabet soup and when vulnerability is standing right in front of me. Where I would be emotionally trapped, music, specifically lyrics, is my escape. It is a way for me to connect with the song and especially the musician, as the artists can put my emotions into words better than I ever could. It makes me feel as if I am not alone, finding comfort in the small emotional connection with a stranger.

     Music is a strategy that movies, advertisements, and TV shows use to transform the mood of their film. A slow, calm melody as a backdrop for a family reunion. Suspenseful, exciting tunes to guide an action-packed scene along. Joyful, upbeat songs that convey the happy mood of a sixteenth birthday party. Somber music to narrate a funeral. Whatever mood the director needs to convey can be amplified with the appropriate song.


  1. Sometimes music is almost quite the opposite of a deep, emotional expression. The underlying messages that some music promotes are sometimes even unrecognizable. We hear lyrics that aren't sending the best messages and we don't even realize it. These messages and language in the songs most people listen have become so normal, we don't even realize they're bad. Everyone listens to this kind of music because it has become what's cool and popular. Eventually, our little brothers or our parents are listening to this same music, all just as oblivious. We also sing along to these lyrics, not even thinking about what they really mean.


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